Orientation Hackathon: a-Maze-ing Python Challenge

Python / PyGame

I worked with a team to generate and solve a maze using recursive backtracking. My teammate generated solveable mazes represented by numerical arrays, and I used PyGame to create the maze graphics of wall (black), open path (white), the start (green), and end (red) squares along with a visual indicator of which index the solver visits (blue). The solver starts at the “start” index and randomly selects an adjacent index. If the selected index has a value of 1, it is added to the wall list and a different index is chosen. If the index is open (value of 0), the algorithm “moves” to the index and chooses a new adjacent index. Any index that the algorithm finds and moves to is added to a path list, which are only allowed to be selected again if no other open index exists. Any index that leads to backtracking is added to a wall list. The blue searching square becomes cyan when it is forced to backtrack.
